WireIE Riding a Wave of Success – JSA TV Spotlight at PTC’18

WireIE Riding a Wave of Success – JSA TV Spotlight at PTC’18

CEO Rob Barlow Shares Direction for 2018 with Jaymie Scotto Cutaia At PTC’18, one of the most important telecommunications events for the Pacific Rim, our CEO, Rob Barlow, met up with JSA TV’s Jaymie Scotto Cutaia to discuss the company’s latest developments and where it is headed for the rest of 2018. Overall, throughout 2017, WireIE […]

Metcalfe’s Law and the Value of Rural Networks

In 1965 an observation was made by David House that over the history of computing hardware, the processing power of a minimal cost computer chip would double approximately every two years – Moore’s Law. While the impact of that forecast has been widely accepted and credited with significant advances in technology and associated economic benefits, […]

The Shift to Microwave Broadband Is Coming Sooner than You Think

The tide is shifting on acceptance and adoption of microwave radio as a viable alternative or supplement to fibre and economics may dictate more of the same. For many in the telecommunications industry the recognition of microwave as a viable alternative to fibre to create carrier grade bandwidth with industry leading latency is not old […]

Smart Grid in Ontario – A Great Positive Step

On June 8, 2012, the Government of Ontario took the next step in their Clean Energy Economic Development Strategy, with the release of the Clean Energy Institute (CEI). The new institute will bring together industry leaders and utility companies to build on Ontario’s strengths in smart grid technologies and other clean energy innovations. In conjunction […]

Fiber and Wire Roadblocks: How Microwave can Help

The typical forms of voice and data transport for Carrier Ethernet Services are fiber and copper. While both provide connectivity in access networks, fiber is favoured for its prolific capacity, and copper is most widely used in environments with an existing telephone network . However, there are times when physical, geographical, legal, political or financial […]

Microwave and Carrier Ethernet: Separating Fact from Fiction

If you want to cause a stir, walk into a room full of seasoned technicians and mention microwave. Citing the twin fears of limited capacity and weather-dependent performance, many will offer stories of past problems without realizing that, like many other things in life, microwave has moved on. The Future is not the Past The […]

Optimizing Economies of Scale in DTV Transmission Systems

The global digitization of over-the-air broadcast television presents an unprecedented opportunity for networks to realize capital and operational cost efficiencies at the transmitter site. In this report, just released by WireIE, we explore a DVB-T multimarket solution where STL/backhaul costs are greatly reduced in comparison to equivalent analogue systems. The report also looks at the […]

Cloud Computing & The Network Operator

With the broad adoption of personal computing, we have witnessed more than a quarter of a century of staggering incremental improvement in data processing power. These benefits have not only touched the traditional desktop. Smaller form factors such as laptops, netbooks, and now tablets and smart phones, are reaping the benefits of ever increasing clock […]

Cloud Computing Defined

“The concept of outsourcing hardware, software and file storage to service providers on the Internet” is how Forrester Research defines Cloud Computing. Many have pointed out the philosophical similarities between Cloud Computing and the days prior to broad adoption of the personal computer. Application hosting, data processing and storage were centralized on mainframe computer platforms. […]

Cloud Computing Series

This post is the first in a series on Cloud Computing from the point of view of the network operator. We’ll provide an overview of the current cloudscape including the prominent players and their services. The series will wrap up with a discussion on bandwidth considerations for the network operator. Desktop computing supported by the […]