Resource Extraction

Resource Extraction Industries

As global demand and exploration technologies continue to grow, oil and gas and mining field operations are increasingly becoming digital. In underserved regions, LTE and satellite often perform unreliably or are too costly to operate and maintain – this limitation makes it difficult for businesses in oil and gas and mining industries to accurately and efficiently use the terabytes of data available to them to increase ROI.

WireIE’s private network offers improved capacity for real-time drilling decisions, ongoing production surveillance, proactive problem identification, health and safety management and efficient communications.

WireIE’s award-winning MEF certified carrier grade private networks prevent unplanned downtime, improve production success and protect the surrounding ecology.

WireIE Enables
Real-time collaboration tools for sharing and reporting between teams in underserved locations and metropolitan areas worldwide
Digital monitoring and control of production capabilities
Team coordination is enhanced through ubiquitous access to workflow automation, communication, and office productivity tools
Machine-to-machine communication offers increased automation, allowing non-automated resources to be intelligently redeployed
Everything is connected – corporate and regional command centers, exploration and production of mine sites, including transportation of product, as well as connectivity to its partners and customers downstream
For more information on our resilient network, visit WireIE’s Our Network page!
Oil Field
Oil Field
Oil Field

Benefits of Partnering with WireIE


Ensure your staff in underserved areas have access to the same real-time collaboration tools as those in your department’s headquarters.


Take advantage of WireIE’s expertise to create the secure, high-speed network solution you need to protect against cyberattacks and ensure continuous uptime for your important projects.


Replace legacy technology to improve your department’s service quality. Future-proof your networks for value-added services and IoT deployments.

Our Markets



Resource Extraction
