The Shift to Microwave Broadband Is Coming Sooner than You Think

The tide is shifting on acceptance and adoption of microwave radio as a viable alternative or supplement to fibre and economics may dictate more of the same. For many in the telecommunications industry the recognition of microwave as a viable alternative to fibre to create carrier grade bandwidth with industry leading latency is not old […]

Smart Grid in Ontario – A Great Positive Step

On June 8, 2012, the Government of Ontario took the next step in their Clean Energy Economic Development Strategy, with the release of the Clean Energy Institute (CEI). The new institute will bring together industry leaders and utility companies to build on Ontario’s strengths in smart grid technologies and other clean energy innovations. In conjunction […]

Microwave and Carrier Ethernet: Separating Fact from Fiction

If you want to cause a stir, walk into a room full of seasoned technicians and mention microwave. Citing the twin fears of limited capacity and weather-dependent performance, many will offer stories of past problems without realizing that, like many other things in life, microwave has moved on. The Future is not the Past The […]

An Intelligent View of Intelligent Energy

Recently, Rob Barlow, President and C.E.O. of WireIE sat down and shared his point of view on the evolution of Intelligent Energy networks and how this evolution fits into WireIE’s commitment to Intelligent Energy systems. As specialists in designing, building and managing Next Generation wireless networks, WireIE established an exclusive relationship with The University of […]