Cloud Computing Defined

“The concept of outsourcing hardware, software and file storage to service providers on the Internet” is how Forrester Research defines Cloud Computing. Many have pointed out the philosophical similarities between Cloud Computing and the days prior to broad adoption of the personal computer. Application hosting, data processing and storage were centralized on mainframe computer platforms. […]

Backhaul Solutions for Backhaul’s Sake

Today, operators in many parts of the world are supporting multi-generation wireless networks. As deployment of next generation network access technologies gain momentum, many operators will endure a transition period where legacy services based in the time domain will need to coexist with pure IP oriented packet data services. With this in mind, network backhaul […]

Maintaining Profitability on the Path to 4G

Looking for ways to maintain profitability as an operator on your way to 4G/LTE? WireIE’s George Kaichis (Director, Radio Network Services) has some tips to help your company get there. In order to meet the projected spike in demand and quality of data services, operators will ultimately need to migrate their networks and businesses to […]