Smart Grid Enables Renewable Energy Sources

The benefits of Smart Grid are varied and far-reaching and are above and beyond capturing energy losses and consumer conservation. Smart Grid promises a genuine revolution in the way the electrical power supply chain operates, in that it enables many new sources of generation capacity to help consumers and industries power the grid. Renewable energy sources can […]

Great Response to our Smart Grid White Paper

A few weeks ago, we sent out a Smart Grid white paper to the public, key industry stakeholders…and even Barack Obama! (via Twitter) Since then, a few more edits have been made based on phenomenal comments and suggestions from our peers. Therefore, the white paper is now 100% complete and finalized. If you haven’t already, […]

CarbonVIX Update!

We’re continuing to run various tests and trial activity with our CarbonVIX test bed this week. Due to weather issues we’ve moved most of the work indoors, however with the exception of the solar array we’re still able to test all of the functionality. We’re comfortable with what we’ve learned about the solar system’s ability to capture […]

CarbonVIX Testing a Success!

After several months of lab work, we finally moved our CarbonVIX test bed out of the lab into the parking lot for some operational testing. To date, we have spent the bulk of our time working on individual components. Thursday and Friday of this week we made real progress operating a “system”. We are now […]

Smart Grid White Paper – Hot Off the Press!

Tim Brown, WireIE’s Chief Technology Officer (CTO) has just completed a white paper entitled, “Practical Considerations for Smart Grid”. It is our hope this white paper reaches as many readers as possible, as it is the first of its kind to introduce next generation network and Operation Support System approaches to Smart Grid network solutions. Any comments or […]

Ontario’s Proposed Green Energy Act

This past week, there has been much media attention surrounding the Ontario Government’s proposal on a Green Energy Act. Premier Dalton McGuinty wants to focus on alternative energy solutions for the future, rid ourselves of our coal burning ways, and keep nuclear power as the base for introducing and implementing these new technologies. As with […]