In the Media

WireIE Wins at Global Telecom Business Innovation Awards

WireIE, a wholesale network operator specialized in the deployment of MEF Certified Carrier Ethernet networks to Canada’s underserved markets, has won the 2016 Global Telecom Business Awards for Fixed Infrastructure Innovation…

Oil and Gas – Sell Sheet

WireIE specializes in funding, building and running the next-generation network infrastructures needed to support key real-time commercial applications for businesses operating in remote and challenging geographies.…

WireIE CEO and President Joins Hope Air Board of Directors

Toronto, ON – June 10, 2015 — WireIE, a licensed award-winning Canadian telco carrier specialized in the development of Carrier Ethernet networks to underserved markets, is pleased to announce its…

WireIE Sponsors WAN Summit in New York

CTO George Kaichis addresses how Next Generation Technology supports Mission Critical Applications in Underserved Regions Toronto, ON – April 15, 2015 — WireIE, a licensed wholesale carrier specialized in the…

WireIE Celebrates Strong 2014 Company Growth

Toronto, ON – December 10, 2014 — WireIE, a licensed wholesale carrier specialized in the development of Carrier Ethernet networks to Canada’s underserved markets, is pleased to announce an extraordinary…

WireIE Sponsors Evanta CIO Executive Summit in Montreal

Toronto, ON – November 26, 2014 — WireIE, a licensed wholesale carrier specialized in the development of Carrier Ethernet networks to Canada’s underserved markets, announces its sponsorship of the Evanta…

WireIE Wins Capacity Global Carrier Award for Corporate Social Responsibility

Toronto, ON – November 5, 2014 — WireIE, a licensed wholesale carrier specialized in the development of Carrier Ethernet networks to Canada’s underserved markets, has won the 2014 Capacity Global…

WireIE Survives and Thrives Through 2013- 14 Winter

Demonstrating a minimum of “three-nines” reliability (99.9%) and zero downtime for all network installations in some of Canada’s most distant regions, WireIE not only survived the harsh winter of 2013-14,…

WireIE Wins “Best Rural Connectivity Provider” Award at Metro Connect 2014

WireIE, a licensed wholesale carrier specialized in the development of Carrier Ethernet networks to Canada’s underserved markets, has further solidified its status as an industry leader by capturing the “Best…

WireIE Meets Highest Global Standards for Carrier Ethernet Services

Internationally recognized Metro Ethernet Forum certifies WireIE as the first carrier worldwide, with a focus on rural and remote networks, to become MEF CE 2.0 Certified…

WireIE, a Richmond Hill, Ont.-based network operator specializing in secure data networks for utilities, carriers and government in remote areas, has earned the Metro Ethernet Forum Carrier Ethernet 2.0 certification.…

WireIE respecte les normes mondiales les plus rigoureuses pour les services d’opérateur Ethernet

WireIE, un des leaders dans la fourniture de services d’opérateur Ethernet pour les sites ruraux, distants et difficiles d’accès, a annoncé aujourd’hui avoir reçu le plus haut niveau de certification…

In order for something as complex as the smart grid to become a reality, old-school utilities have to bump elbows with the latest and greatest in information technology.…

Rainy River District School Board recognizes Nestor Falls School at January Board Meeting…

DragonWave, WireIE Sign Supply Agreement as Demand Grows for Carrier Ethernet Services to Rural and Remote Locations…

Rainy River District School Board recognizes Nestor Falls School at January Board Meeting…

The discussion around the promise of smart grid enablement in Ontario has often sounded too much like a far off discussion about a wonderful and connected future where new, cleaner…
Rural microFIT project proponents will continue to find it difficult to connect to Ontario’s aging distribution network until Hydro One rolls out….…
Vocational School in South Reward and the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. School, in Dutch Quarter are the two schools presented with certificates……
Canadian Green Tech recently spoke with WireIE President & CEO, Rob Barlow, regarding the role green technology plays as an ingredient in defining the WireIE brand. The following article is…

Since its creation, WireIE’s mission has been to enable its diverse clients to transform their telecommunications infrastructure to deliver a limitless network experience……

In 2009, WireIE established an exclusive relationship with The University of Ontario’s Institute of Technology (UOIT) to advance the understanding of ‘intelligent energy’ networks……

Nov. 5, 2009 (Richmond Hill, ON) – WireIE Holdings International Inc. and University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) are pleased to release a comprehensive White Paper entitled, “Developing a…
It is no secret numerous industries and companies are attempting to reduce energy consumption. They are utilizing sustainable options that are environmentally friendly. Increasingly, environmental issues are being brought to…
(RICHMOND HILL, ON) Sept. 25, 2009 – WireIE Holdings International Inc. is proud to have been the VIP sponsor for the Electric Utility Consultants Inc. (EUCI) Conference, “Distributed Generation Using…
Richmond Hill, ON (Sept. 22, 2009) – WireIE Holdings International Inc. is pleased to welcome George Kaichis to the team as Director of Radio Network Services…